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The Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ), the peak representative body of the Australian Jewish community, welcomes the Federal Court judgment in the case involving five Jewish students against their former school, alleging systemic failure to deal with antisemitism at Brighton Secondary College.

“With meagre resources, they took on the might of the Victorian government and Education Department to stand up for truth and justice, and they were successful. We know the personal price all of them have paid in sweat and nerves, and the enormous financial sacrifice they have made,” ECAJ president Jillian Segal said.

“This decision will stand as a warning to any students who engage in antisemitic bullying, and to parents, teachers and Education Departments across Australia who fail to act responsibly to curb and prevent such behaviour. They will be held to account for their actions,” Ms Segal said.

Ms Segal added: “The time has come for a national antisemitism education program across Australian schools to provide resources and support to teachers and parents to understand and defeat this form of hatred. Bland, generic statements against racism are not enough.

“This case has sent a clear signal that the cost of continuing inaction by governments in dealing appropriately with racism will be far higher than the cost of taking effective action.”

Peter Wertheim AM | Co-CEO
ph: 02 8353 8505 | m: 0408 160 904 | fax: 02 9361 5888
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