
Daniel Aghion KC (VIC)

Deputy President
Robert M Goot AO SC (NSW)

Co-Chief Executive Officers
Peter Wertheim AM
Alex Ryvchin


  • Philip Zajac (VIC)
  • David Ossip (NSW)
  • Geoff Midalia (WA)
  • Jason Steinberg (QLD)
  • Annetay Henderson-Sapir (SA)
  • Laurence Herst (TAS)
  • Athol Morris (ACT)
  • Vida Goodvach (NT)

Immediate Past President
Jillian Segal AO (NSW)

Honorary Secretary
Anton Block AM (VIC)

Honorary Treasurer
Peter Wise AM (NSW)

Honorary Life Members

  • Nina Bassat AM (VIC)
  • Josie Lacey OAM (NSW)
  • Grahame Leonard AM (VIC)
  • Rabbi Dr John Levi AM DD (VIC)
  • Sam Salcman (VIC)
  • Diane Shteinman AM (NSW)

Past presidents

Alex Masel 1945-1946
Saul Symonds 1946-1948
Maurice Ashkenasy CMG QC 1948-1950, 1954-1956, 1958-1960, 1962-1964, 1966-1968
Horace Newman 1949-1950
Ben Green 1950-1952
The Hon. Syd Einfeld AO 1952-1954, 1956-1958, 1960-1962, 1964-1966
Gerald Falk OBE JP 1968-1970
Nathan Jacobson OBE 1970-1972, 1974-1976
Louis Klein CBE 1972-1974
Joachim Schneeweiss AM 1976-1978, 1980-1982
Leslie Caplan AM 1985-1987, 1989-1992
Isi Leibler AO CBE 1978-1980, 1982-1985, 1987-1989, 1992-1995
Diane Shteinman AM 1996-1998
Nina Bassat AM 1998-2001
Jeremy Jones AM 2001-2004
Grahame Leonard AM 2004-2007
Danny Lamm 2010-2013
Robert Goot AM SC 2007-2010, 2013-2016
Anton Block 2016-2019
Jilian Segal AO 2019-2023

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