The ECAJ is the Australian Affiliate of:
- The World Jewish Congress
- The Commonwealth Jewish Council
- The Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany
- The Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture
The ECAJ is the Australian Observer at:
The ECAJ’s Constituents are:
- The Jewish Community Council of Victoria Inc.
- The New South Wales Jewish Board of Deputies
- The Jewish Community Council of Western Australia Inc.
- The Queensland Jewish Board of Deputies
- The Jewish Community Council of South Australia
- The Hobart Hebrew Congregation Inc.
- The ACT Jewish Community Inc.
- The Northern Territory Jewish Community Association
The ECAJ’s Affiliates are:
- The Australasian Union of Jewish Students
- B’nai B’rith Australia/New Zealand
- The Federation of Australian JewishCare
- The Joint Distribution Committee Australia
- The Jewish National Fund of Australia Inc.
- Maccabi Australia Incorporated
- National Council of Jewish Women of Australia Limited
- The Union for Progressive Judaism
- WIZO Australia
The ECAJ’s Observer Organisations are:
- Council of Orthodox Synagogues of Australia
- Council of Progressive Rabbis
- Federation of Australian Jewish Ex-Service Associations
- The New Zealand Jewish Council
- The Zionist Federation of Australia
The ECAJ is a partner in:
- The Australian National Dialogue of Christians, Muslims and Jews (with the National Council of Churches in Australia and theAustralian Federation of Islamic Councils). Together, we co-ordinated the Journey of Promise
- The Australian Partnership of Ethnic and Religious Organisations (convened by the Federation of Ethnic Communities Councils of Australia)
- The Uniting Church in Australia / ECAJ National Dialogue
- The Conversation of the Australian Catholic Bishops Committee and Australian Jewry
- The National Non-Government Organisation Coalition Against Racism
- Faith Communities for Reconciliation
- … and a number of other Australian-based community alliances.
The ECAJ participates in:
- Human Rights consultations hosted by the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Department of the Attorney-General.