September 14th, 2011

ECAJ Urges Restraint in Rhetoric

The Executive Council of Australian Jewry (ECAJ) today issued the following statement concerning the debate about the campaign for Boycotts Divestment and Sanctions (BDS) against Israel and the targeting of the…

June 2nd, 2009

Toben v Jones FCA 585

Brief outline from the FOC report: The applicant seeks an extension of time within which to file and serve a notice of appeal from an order made by a judge of…

May 13th, 2009

Jones v Toben (No. 2) FCA 477

Brief outline from the FOC report: On 16 April 2009 I delivered reasons (the trial reasons) for the making of a declaration that the respondent has been guilty of wilful and…

April 16th, 2009

Jones v Toben FCA 354 (contempt proceedings)

Brief outline from the FOC report: This is a summary of the reasons of Justice Lander delivered today for the orders and declaration made today. On 17 September 2002 the Hon…

February 28th, 2008

Grigor-Scott v Jones FCAFC 14

Brief outline from the FOC report: On the application of the respondent, Mr Jeremy Jones, a judge of the Court declared, on 2 February 2007, that the appellant, Mr Anthony Grigor-Scott,…

February 2nd, 2007

Jeremy Jones on behalf of the ECAJ v The Bible Believers Church

Brief outline from the FOC report: The applicant Mr Jeremy Jones is the authorised representative of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry for the purpose of conducting the present proceedings, and…