February 3rd, 2014

Racial Vilification (Australian Human Rights Commission)

At a glance: Racial Vilification Under Sections 18C and 18D of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth), Australian Human Rights Commission, December 2013.

June 2nd, 2009

Toben v Jones FCA 585

Brief outline from the FOC report: The applicant seeks an extension of time within which to file and serve a notice of appeal from an order made by a judge of…

May 13th, 2009

Jones v Toben (No. 2) FCA 477

Brief outline from the FOC report: On 16 April 2009 I delivered reasons (the trial reasons) for the making of a declaration that the respondent has been guilty of wilful and…

April 16th, 2009

Jones v Toben FCA 354 (contempt proceedings)

Brief outline from the FOC report: This is a summary of the reasons of Justice Lander delivered today for the orders and declaration made today. On 17 September 2002 the Hon…

February 28th, 2008

Grigor-Scott v Jones FCAFC 14

Brief outline from the FOC report: On the application of the respondent, Mr Jeremy Jones, a judge of the Court declared, on 2 February 2007, that the appellant, Mr Anthony Grigor-Scott,…

February 2nd, 2007

Jeremy Jones on behalf of the ECAJ v The Bible Believers Church

Brief outline from the FOC report: The applicant Mr Jeremy Jones is the authorised representative of the Executive Council of Australian Jewry for the purpose of conducting the present proceedings, and…