Claims Conference Welcomes New Ombudsman

Shmuel Hollander has begun his position as Ombudsman for the Claims Conference.
Mr Holander was selected as Claims Conference Ombudsman following a lengthy international search for candidates for this newly created position.
Mr. Hollander has earned the trust of six Isra
eli Prime Ministers, serving as the Israeli government’s Civil Service Commissioner under Prime Ministers Benjamin Netanyahu, Ehud Barak, Ariel Sharon, and Ehud Olmert and prior to that as Government Secretary to Prime Minister Yitzhak Rabin and Shimon Peres. Mr. Hollander studied law at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem and began his career as a military prosecutor and judge. He worked as Deputy Legal Adviser in the office of the State Comptroller, Legal Adviser to the Civil Service Commission, and Legal Adviser to the Prime Minister’s Office.
Mr. Hollander immigrated to Israel at age two
from Czechoslovakia with his parents, both Holocaust survivors.
Mr. Hollander’s responsibilities as Ombudsman will include:
(a) Receiving complaints regarding alleged actions of the Claims Conference relating to programs it administers;
(b) Determining whether a grievance, problem or concern raised by a complainant warrants follow‐up activity and, where appropriate; confer with complainant and/or management, or otherwise investigate the matter in issue;
(c) Seeking to settle grievances, problems or concerns that are raised; and
(d) Preparing summary reports on findings and recommendations.
“We are highly pleased to welcome Shmuel Hollander as Claims Conference Ombudsman,” said Chairman Julius Berman. “His impeccable credentials and decades of public service will enhance the work of the Claims Conference in advocating for the rights of Holocaust victims and caring for elderly victims who increasingly need our aid. Mr. Hollander will be an asset to our organization and a voice for Holocaust victims around the world.”
Contact information for Mr. Hollander is as follows: Claims Conference, POB 45178, Jerusalem 91451, Israel
Claims Conference Ombudsman: Postfach 90 02 08 60442, Frankfurt, Germany.

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