Grigor-Scott v Jones FCAFC 14

Brief outline from the FOC report:

On the application of the respondent, Mr Jeremy Jones, a judge of the Court declared, on 2 February 2007, that the appellant, Mr Anthony Grigor-Scott, had engaged in conduct rendered unlawful by Part IIA of the Racial Discrimination Act 1975 (Cth) (the Discrimination Act) by having published or allowing to be published, on the World Wide Web, a document described as “Bible Believers’ Newsletter # 242”. His Honour also ordered Mr Grigor-Scott to remove that document from the relevant website and restrained Mr Grigor-Scott from publishing or republishing, to the public, that document, any material with substantially similar content to that document and any other material that conveys any of the following imputations:

  • there is a serious doubt that the holocaust occurred;
  • it is unlikely that there were homicidal gas chambers at Auschwitz;
  • Jewish people who are offended by and challenge holocaust denial are of limited intelligence; and
  • some Jewish people, for improper purposes, including financial gain, exaggerated the number of Jews killed during World War II and the circumstances in which they were killed.

Grigor-Scott v Jones [2008] FCAFC 14

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