MEDIA RELEASE: ECAJ backs US withdrawal from Iran nuclear deal

May 9th, 2018

On balance, we believe President Trump made the correct call in pulling the US out of the Iran nuclear deal, known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).
The JCPOA is neither credible nor fit for purpose in its present form. Pressure on the Iranian regime is the only way it might be possible to induce it to agree to the additional conditions needed to prevent Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons and continuing to bring the region to the brink of war.
Iran must be made to abandon the measures it has taken to preserve and expand the nuclear know-how it previously acquired in pursuing its nuclear weapons program, known as Project Amad.
The sunset clauses of the JCPOA should be nullified. Iran must be subjected to further sanctions if it is again caught lying to UN agencies about the true nature of its nuclear activities, or continues to develop its ballistic missile program, or persists in fomenting conflict and bloodshed through the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps or proxy terrorist groups such as Hezbollah and Hamas.
Friendly relations such as those which ordinarily prevail between nations, cannot be sustained with Iran under its present regime.
Peter Wertheim AM | Co-CEO
ph: 02 8353 8500 | m: 0408 160 904
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Alex Ryvchin | Co-CEO
ph: 02 8353 8505 | m: 0478 297 245 
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